
Hannover Messe 2024 | What's NExT? How a DC factory can save Germany as a business location

Energy dependency and rising energy prices have been placing an increasing burden on the German economy for the past two years. There is growing concern that the days when Germany was an industrialized nation could soon be over. But what if the factory of tomorrow were powered by renewable energies and direct current instead of alternating current, resulting in 35% lower energy costs? What if it could also operate C02-free and thus make a decisive contribution to improving not only its own carbon footprint, but also that of its customers? The DC-powered NExT Factory in Velden, Lower Bavaria, is getting to the bottom of these questions. Interim conclusion after six months of live operation: green production can be the next stage of industrial transformation and save Germany's competitiveness - but standards, modern grid operation and smart products must come quickly.

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