
ODCA System Description Now Available as VDE SPEC 90037

The Open DC Alliance (ODCA) has released its low-voltage DC microgrids system description as the German pre-norm VDE SPEC 90037.

The Open DC Alliance (ODCA) is excited to announce that the system description of low-voltage DC microgrids is now publicly available as a German "pre-norm" VDE SPEC 90037. This specification, originating from the DC-INDUSTRIE projects, has been further developed within the ODCA. You can download it for free from the VDE website: VDE SPEC publications - VDE

More than 100 experts from 45 companies and research organizations collaborated on this project, developing and validating the comprehensive description of DC microgrids through 10 model applications. The document was reviewed and approved for publication by a working group of the German competence center for electrotechnical standardization, DKE (Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik).

VDE SPECs serve as valuable reference documents for planners, installers, and end users, especially in areas where standards are not yet available. This makes the approval process significantly easier.

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