
DC technologies at the heart of the EU's Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan

The ODCA had the opportunity to take part in the Workshop on DC technologies as part of the European Union's Strategic Energy Technology Plan implementation. The event brought together experts from industry, academia, and policymakers to explore how DC technologies are paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable energy future.

On 24 January, the Open Direct Current Alliance (ODCA), represented by our Chair of the Board, CEO Hartwig Stammberger, actively promoted the creation of international standards, the promotion of pilot projects and the networking of relevant stakeholders at an international workshop in Brussels.

Direct current (DC) is a key technology for modern energy systems and an essential building block for a sustainable, efficient and future-proof energy supply. It enables the efficient integration of renewable energies such as solar power and supports innovative applications - from battery storage to electric vehicles and low-energy buildings. Compared to alternating current (AC), DC offers decisive advantages: lower transmission losses, material savings and improved grid stability.

The workshop 'Direct Current Technologies: A Game Changer for the Energy Transition', organised as part of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), brought together leading experts from industry, research and politics to explore the role of DC technologies in the energy transition.

The event focused on two main topics: Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)

  • LVDC is mainly used behind the meter, for example in households, industry and commerce. Many devices - from solar and battery systems to electric vehicles - already use direct current. However, widespread use requires regulatory harmonisation and further stimulation of innovation.
  • HVDC plays a key role in transmitting large amounts of energy over long distances, especially for offshore wind farms and cross-border grids. Challenges such as interoperability, cost reduction along the supply chain and European technology leadership were discussed.