
Industrial Automation Show 2024

The Open Direct Current Alliance (ODCA) will be participating in the Industrial Automation Show (IAS) in Shanghai from September 24-28, 2024, and showcase the latest advancements in the ODCA Ecosystem.

This prestigious event, held at the Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC), is a prime opportunity for us to showcase our latest innovations in direct current technology.

The IAS is one of the most important trade fairs in the field of industrial automation in China. It takes place annually in the fall and is part of the China International Industry Fair (CIIF), one of the largest industrial fairs in China.

The IAS focuses on various aspects of industrial automation, including control systems, robot technology, drive technology, industrial software and IT solutions, sensor technology and measurement and testing technology.

At the IAS, Hall 5.1, Booth B012, the ODCA will show DC projects and case studies and provide information about the benefits as well as possible implementations and further information.

Opening Hours:

Sep 24-27, 2024   09:00 to 17:00
Sep 28, 2024          09:00 to 14:30

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn all about the application of direct current and our solutions and its potential for taking your business to the next level!

Get your free ticket: see link on the right side. 

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