
Commeo GmbH from Wallenhorst near Osnabrück has set itself the task of enabling companies to manage their energy infrastructure transparently and independently. The most advanced energy storage and energy management solutions with the highest safety standards by German researchers and developers as well as extensive consulting services make the innovation leader from Wallenhorst a reliable partner in the changing energy and sustainability landscape.

Whether it's supporting sustainability reporting (CSRD) or creating digital product passports, continuously optimizing energy infrastructures or securing the energy supply - Commeo offers companies highly flexible and comprehensive solutions that can be integrated into every industrial system and process environment.

With the HPC Cube, Commeo has developed a product that benefits significantly from the advantages of DC technology. The Cube enables location-independent HPC charging even with a power-limited grid connection and, thanks to its efficient, economical and safe energy transmission, it manages with virtually no conversion losses. Commeo relies on high efficiency, a long service life and flexible systems.